IDIS Transparency Statement 2023


Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Part 2 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires organisations operating within the UK and Australia to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement each year.
IDIS is a people-centric company that has nurtured a strong ethical culture over nearly 27 years, based on the principles and ethics of our CEO and founding partners, and strong direction of our current management team.
IDIS has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery, and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings. We put effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within our business or supply chain.
Our commitment to human rights means we have adopted the principles of the leading international standards and conventions across our business, in particular the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Conventions on Rights of the Child, and understand our responsibility to respect and support human rights. This ensures the human rights of our employees are covered by our people policies and compliance with local labour laws wherever we do business.

Our organisation

IDIS is the leading manufacturer of South Korean surveillance technology. Established in 1997, IDIS offers a range of video solutions to help corporate and public sector organizations keep their people and assets safe and secure across more than 50 countries worldwide.
We are headquartered in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea and a trusted technology partner of small to large corporate and public sector organizations worldwide. As of 31 December 2023, IDIS has over 600 employees based at its offices and factory in South Korea and regional headquarters in Europe, the United States of America, and branch sales office in Dubai, UAE.
IDIS develops and manufactures its products at our next generation IDIS Smart Factory in South Korea. The IDIS Smart Factory enables us to refine our production processes, reduce wastage and meet continued efficiency targets, while ensuring we adhere to all relevant legal requirements in terms of employee rights and working practices across our entire manufacturing, assembly and product testing processes, in compliance with the South Korean government.
We continue to review our policies, practices and how we identify any risks of modern slavery and other human rights anywhere within our supply chain. We continue with a commitment to ethical and responsible business practices, ensuring a policy of zero-tolerance to modern slavery anywhere within our supply chain.

Our Code of Conduct

IDIS operates a robust code of conduct which all employees must adhere to. The code of conduct applies to everyone who works for IDIS worldwide and to anyone representing IDIS in any way. We also expect our business partners, including any subcontractors they engage with in relation to their business with IDIS, to comply with this code of conduct.
The company management ensures that business is conducted in an ethical way and in accordance with the code of conduct and the company’s policies are continually reviewed. We annually update our risk assessment to identify potential modern slavery and human trafficking risk the company is likely to encounter such as entry into new markets, new regulations, and any changes in our supply chain.

Awareness and training

All employees are regularly provided with guidance on all aspects of our code of conduct, including modern slavery. IDIS business leaders will continue to ensure that the company is committed to upholding its values and providing a safe and fair working environment for all its employees. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 (Transparency in supply chains) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Part 2 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018, and to meet with U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation’s anti-human trafficking Rule and covers the period of 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. Approved by and signed on behalf of the IDIS board of directors.

Y.D. Kim, CEO

31 March 2024